Tag Archives: Hard Rain

New Hard Rain line announced

2012 will mark Thunderstorm’s fifth year in publishing.  Overall, it has been a good ride so far.  To be more specific, the good has outweighed the bad.   And although it sounds trite and cliched, I think it is a pretty good accomplishment for a press that missed the 2003-2007 small press boom.

Even as I type this I keep debating with myself on whether or not I should get out my soapbox.  I could turn this into a long winded essay on why I think this new Hard Rain line is so important for me, for the genre, for the authors, for the customers.  Or better yet, I could trust that you can understand why this is the case while being brief.   The economy isn’t in great shape.  Newsflash, right?  So rather than just sitting around and waiting for it to get better, I decided it was time to create a line of books that are economically friendly.  $35 books for new, original novels in signed limited format.  $30 a piece if you join the membership (click on the image, for the membership details).

In 2011, Thunderstorm experimented with a lot of different ideas.  Some worked, some didn’t.  In 2012, Hard Rain is going to be the idea.

Specific book annoucements will be made throughout the year when their accompanying release dates are scheduled.  However, taking a look at Thunderstorm’s prior releases (especially the Black Voltage line) will give you a good indication of what you can expect.

I encourage you to come join the fun.
