The Buzzard Zone
by Ronald Kelly
The sky darkened, black and oily; swirling, impregnated with vigilance. It was not a bad turn of the weather promising rain or storm or tornado. It was keenly alive. Silent, yet ever moving, ever watching.
Ever alert for what was commonplace in those dark and dangerous days.
Always with its ravenous eye upon death.
It began in Juneナ the Infestation. A tiny, black insect the size of a gnat appeared from out of nowhere and swiftly took the world by storm. By September, 94% of the Earth’s population was dead ナ or transformed into mindless, flesh-devouring creatures known as Biters.
In the Smoky Mountains of eastern Tennessee, Levi Hobbs and his family realize that isolation will not protect them forever. As the sky grows dark and turbulent with buzzards, they know that they are in the Zone and that violent and ravenous death is on the move. When the Biters invade Hobbs Ridge, Levi and the others leave their home behind and take to the road. But, heading into North Carolina, they discover new dangers and horrors to contend with; some put into motion by the Infestation, while others are conjured from the evil hearts of men unrestrained by law or conscience.
As they near the city of Asheville, the Zone grows more widespread and the hungry hoards merge into an unstoppable exodus of death and destruction. Levi and the others know then that there is only one place left to goナ one place in which to make their final stand.
Black Voltage, 66 copy hardcover edition |