
by Christine Morgan

“Let me get this straight … some relative you never met left you a house in the middle of

His friends think, not unreasonably, it sounds like the start to at least a hundred different horror movies. Ghosts, serial killer torture room, demonic possession, sordid secret family history, ancient burial ground, deranged cultists; you know, the usual.
None of that is about to put Jordan off the prospect of actually owning his own home.

For someone his age? In this economy? Damn right he’s going to jump at it! Even if it means moving clear across the state.

For Tammy, however, the news is especially devastating. In love with Jordan for years, she can’t stand the thought of losing him. Let alone losing him to some stupid, probably-haunted murder house.

But what’s a girl to do when a guy can’t get a clue? Especially a nice, shy girl who’s always been a bit of a …


Neon Recluse, 222 signed limited edition paperback
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Neon Recluse, 44 copy hardcover edition
$110.00 + shipping